Wednesday, February 9, 2011

the Entrepreneur yogi

people in the united states actually pay someone for meditating ,can u actually believe that?
yes they do to some business minded yogis who have actually registered asana's and sutras.How else do you think the yoga industry rakes up to 5.7 billion there.Soon there could be patents for mantras , breathing ,good posture and even eating right.People like Bikram Choudhury are buying yoga copyrights and has even invented his own (as he says) a series of 26 postures which he calls his own "HOT YOGA" performed in a room at 105 Celsius .He has made a revenue stream out of it, studios that use his name pays him franchising fees.
Well deserved i must say but what he is  actually doing is stealing away India's cultural heritage and making money out of it,"ghor kalyug ".
yet the man says in his own words "i am  a yogi not a business man".
 According to the Times of India, "The US Patent and Trademark office has reportedly issued 150 Yoga-related copyrights, 134 trademarks on Yoga accessories, and 2,315 Yoga trademarks." 
but thanks to god such patents are not really enforceable cause how could anyone monitor the world and stop people from whistling out air from their nostrils each morning.
what these guys don't understand that yoga is not just bending of limbs, its the wholesome well being of the body,spirit and mind.
 According to Swami Ramdev, "Yoga can't be owned and run like a company. Since there are attempts to patent this tradition (of Yoga) in America, the Centre and Yoga organizations should take measures to prevent it." 
finally the Indian government woke up to the cause and they have formed an organization to bring together tamil and sanskrit texts which will catalogue yoga techniques and ayurveda medicines to check any future patents.The information will be available online to all the patent offices throughout the world .well i must praise our government on this move(sometimes we should)
Lets hope our "firang" friends don't continue with the activity registering the property of our nation under the name of some well to do businessman(oh yogis i must say) and get over the fact that yoga to indian's is something more than what the movie "The Guru " was to them!!!!!